1. Tiger
The famous PostScript tiger test, rendered using AmanithVG™ engine, at different zoom levels.
Tiger shot 1 |
Tiger shot 2 |
2. Clock
A real eye-candy OpenVG clock, rendered using AmanithVG™ engine.
Clock shot |
3. Flowers
An interactive flower particle system, rendered using AmanithVG™ engine.
Flowers shot 1 |
Flowers shot 2 |
4. Perspective image warping
An SVG file rendered on a VGImage and then perspectively warped.
Image not warped shot |
Image warped shot |
5. Color gradients
Some colorful gradients: linear, radial and conical.
Linear gradient shot |
Radial gradient shot |
Conical gradient shot |
6. Subwaymap
Interactive navigation of the Milan subway map.
Subway map zoomed out shot |
Subway map zoomed in shot |
AmanithVG is a trademark of Mazatech S.r.l.
Khronos and OpenVG are trademarks of The Khronos Group, Inc.
OpenGL is a registered trademark and OpenGL|ES is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
SVG is a trademark of the World Wide Web Consortium.
PostScript, PDF and Flash are registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.
Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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